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Senior Consultant 

Dr Sri Damayanti Manullang synopsis

Sri obtained her SLTA (Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas - secondary school) in Narumonda Kecamatan Porsea, then, joined the Institute of Pedagogy in the French language department in Medan (North Sumatra) where she graduated in 1993.

From 1994 to 1998 she worked at the Yayasan Suposurung (Foundation Suposurung) in North Sumatra, in charge of the local development of the organization.

This Foundation created the "SMA plus" system cited by the President of Indonesia as a national model.

The Suposurung Foundation helps the public schools by providing facilities for their educational programs and also develop various other programs in the fields of agriculture, aquaculture and healthcare.

In 1999, she conducted a six month specialization in French language in Paris to acquire a high quality French language to join a post-graduate course which will strengthen her former competencies.

She came to Marseilles, at the University Paul Cézanne, Aix-Marseilles III (France), to follow the DEA (Diplôme d'Etude Approfondie) on Competitive Intelligence at the CRRM Center,

She obtained her post graduation in 2001.

At the end of her specialization, she continued at the CRRM within the framework of a doctorate in Competitive Intelligence and Regional Development that she obtained in April 2005.


researchs have been focussing on the: Use of the Methodology and Tools of Competitive Intelligence to promote National and Regional Development.

During those years of research, she participated to international seminars and published various academic papers.

Sri also supported several Indonesians students with DEA Thesis or Master Thesis.

In 2010, Sri obtained the Habilitation A Diriger des Recherches HDR (certificate of aptitude to direct fundamental research) which is the higher French Diploma, after Doctorate.

HDR will allow Mrs Manullang to participate jointly with French researchers to the development of doctorates in Indonesia (co-direction) and to develop various programs linked to doctorate students such as the development of added value products from natural resources, and the impact of Competitive Intelligence on creative thinking.

Those aspects of the activities of Dr Sri Manullang are particularly important as they clearly show her will to continue to work in fundamental and applied research

Areas of Expertise


Regional developments

Islands development

Natural ressources valorisation

Competitive intelligence diffusion



During her HDR, Sri worked with various French Experts

. Henri Dou

. Philippe Clerc

. Luc Quoniam - University Professor, former Scientic Attaché in Brazil, Director of Cendotec

as well as with Alain Juillet, former senior adviser to the French prime Minister for Economic Intelligence

CI WORDLDWIDE: A virtual network of people from various nationalities which are concerned by the National and Regional Development through the methods, concepts and tools of Competitive Intelligence. It is also a new way to promote international coopérations

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